Buy better. Wear longer.
Sustainability is a touchy subject. Especially for companies that are producing billions of products every year. And while the innovations in production and leaps of progress of Levi’s has taken to reduce their impact are noteworthy, the real heart of their sustainability efforts lies in the past.
A pair of jeans that’s still in fashion 30 years after its production is sustainable. Longevity = sustainability. And Levi’s has 150 years of staying power. This is a true brand campaign delivered almost entirely on social.
Why now?
The apparel industry is facing an over-consumption crisis. A crisis fueled by fast fashion and the burdens it passes on not only to the environment, but to consumers who find themselves trapped in a cycle of buying, wearing once, and discarding into landfills.
Why Levi’s?
By definition sustainability is an observation on time. When something lasts longer, it can be worn longer and as such, have less of an impact on the environment. Levi’s have been making products that are still being worn daily 50 years after their production. A 150 year commitment to sustainability.

WTF is a KOL?
As i learned in the process of creating this campaign, a KOL is a “Key Opinion Leader.” Think of it like an influencer but instead of churning out content for clicks and taps, KOL’s strive to create real change in the world.
From A-List to activist.
Each KOL within our campaign led what i consider to be mini “grassroots campaigns.” The campaigns were comprised of a longform film that featured a deep dive into the world of change each KOL was championing alongside a package of social assets to share on their own channels.
Jayden Smith
Melati Wijsen
Xiye Beara
Marcus Rashford
Xuitezcatl Martinez
Emma Chamberlain
Jayden Smith - Melati Wijsen - Xiye Beara - Marcus Rashford - Xuitezcatl Martinez - Emma Chamberlain -

The Team
ECD Jake Cooper
CD Alex Rose
CD Bryan Ortiz-Dempler
SAD Mike Schmitt
SAD Matt Reyes
D Tazkia Gratani
SAD Matt Reyes
The Press
Last words.
As i alluded to, sustainability is fucking wild. Notably, our cut for France was lightweight insane in attempting to meet their super stringent guidelines.
This campaign was strategically a bit of juijitsu, turning something like 147 years of heritage into a future looking sustainability message. But it worked! And Levi’s continues to use the promise of ‘Buy Better, Wear Longer’ as their platform for any and all sustainability efforts.
On the production side of things, due to a range of unforeseen happenings, our Director came onto the project 2 days before our first shoot day. And he handled it like a champ.